Terms & Conditions
Designated Giving Policy
To avoid being precluded from using designated funds at all if a project is oversubscribed or is terminated, the following policy is in place and is published:
“Spending of funds is confined to board approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards a board approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.”
Board Minutes May 23, 2008
Donation Receipting
ICMS is registered to receive tax deductible donations from Canada and the United States.
Cheques sent to ICMS (Box 24 Station A, Abbotsford, BC Canada V2T 6Z4 or 726 Cherry St #698, Sumas, WA 98295-9649 USA) from the United States will be deposited into a US bank account and receipted for US tax benefits.
All donations to the various ICMS ministries and/or ICMS operations and administration need to be made payable to ICMS and will be dispersed to the designated ministries on a monthly basis.
ICMS can only issue tax receipt for donations to ministries that have a written ministry agreement with ICMS to fulfill the objects of relief of poverty and the advancement of religion.
The Income Tax Act does not allow tax deductible receipts for personal benevolence or gifts to individuals.
Donations to ICMS ministries can be made by cheque, automatic account debit or by Visa or MasterCard. Automatic debit is available only to Canadian donors.
ICMS has a 5.0% donation administration charge, and tax deductible receipts are issued at the end of the calendar year. To facilitate this, please ensure that your name and both email and postal addresses are included with your donation.
ICMS seeks to adhere to the CCCC standards, with all donation information kept securely and treated confidentially.