Our Ministries
Advocacy Global
Ray & Carolyn Majoran
Compelled by Christ's love and in partnership with His body, the church, Advocacy Global serves as a champion for the world's most vulnerable people: to break the spiritual, economic, social and physical bonds of poverty and help them flourish.
Agape Compass
Vision: Traumatized people being reached with the love of Christ and God’s people becoming equipped in Turkey to become emotionally healthier believers in the church and to help others become the same. Mission: Helping disadvantaged, suffering people in and outside of the church through high quality Christian counseling, support groups and programs as well as equipping others to do the same.
Agape Fish Fund Canada
Thu Nguyen
Agape Fish Fund Canada focuses on helping rural Vietnam with discipleship, poverty alleviation, and self-sustainable projects.
Awakened Faith Ministries
Chad & Tanya Hooker
Missions With Vision: working alongside and partnering with the local church throughout Courtenay/Comox, Black Creek, Campbell River communities and across Vancouver Island, as local missionaries
Beauty Out Of Ashes
Gary & Mavis Unger
Our Mission: 1.) To transform the lives of marginalized children, especially the vulnerable children, affected by the many natural disasters that have displaced many families and increased the level of poverty to a dangerous level. 2.) To improve the quality of life for orphans, Restevak (child slaves), and street children by providing a home and taking care of all their daily needs. 3.) To provide resources, training, education and support to break the cycle of poverty and Restevak slavery.
Bethlehem's Well Mission Society
Jackelyn Krol
Our Mission is to share the gospel, distribute Bibles and sound literature, assist in education and relieve poverty and its associated conditions as stated in Galatians 6:10
Bible Mission
Paul Hagelgans
Our vision is to win people for Christ, working through and for the churches. God has given to us, the task to train and equip the believers of the local churches to take the Gospel to the nations with the purpose of churches being planted.
Biblical Church Ministries
By the grace of God, BCM’s (Biblical Church Ministries') goal is to be faithful in obeying the Great Commission despite military unrest, imminent dangers, shortfalls in funding, setbacks, or opposition. Evangelism, training of pastors and church planting is our way of fulfilling the Great Commission in Myanmar. There is much hopelessness and a great hunger and need for the Good News, so BCM is bringing hope through Jesus. Our aim is to plant and nourish healthy, maturing, indigenous, reproducing churches.
Brand New Life Society
Luis Trivino
Brand New Life Society is a Christian community that, for 40 years, has worked to give young people a hope of life based on the life of Jesus project, building spaces where they can develop their faith and knowledge of God.
Brown Family Charitable Society
Brown Family Charitable Society (formerly Harvest Time Int) assists and encourages Christian ministries in Uganda, Mexico, Morocco and the Arctic.
Building Up Families Missions
Building up Families Missions is rooted in Christian values. We have been serving the welcoming community of Kitale, Kenya since 2010, when my late father embarked on his first church plant. Inspired by his legacy, my family and I established this organization to amplify our existing programs and build upon them. With unwavering faith, we consider it a privilege to extend care and comfort to the remarkable individuals whom God has placed in our path. Our vision is to alleviate poverty while imparting Godly principles to families through our diverse programs. As a Christian mission, we are dedicated to providing biblical resources through our uplifting weekly fellowships for men, women, and youth. Guided by the boundless grace and love of our Lord, we embrace the opportunity to nurture Godly character and instill foundational biblical principles that transcend cultural and societal norms.
Capstone Mission Society
Milton & Kathi Torio
"The stone which the builders rejected has become the Capstone." Matthew 21:42
We are an organization loyal to our mission of breaking the cycle of poverty through Christ-centred, education-based child sponsorship.
Christian Sustainable Development Foundation
The CSDF is designed to provide ample capital investment allowing proven projects to stand alone without continued external financial support as we share the good news of Jesus Christ.
CMJ – Canada
Brad Smith
CMJ was first established in Israel over 200 years ago from England, to mobilize diverse resources for bearing authentic, compassionate gospel witness.
Rodney Bergen
Our mission is to provide the followers of William Branham, as well as other interested parties, with objective, independent information regarding Branham's life and teaching. As well, to provide an orthodox evangelical Christian apologetic to the doctrines of the Branham movement.
Creation Point Ministries
John & Tiffany Martens
This summer, we’re shooting a movie!! Why? Because our culture is disintegrating and many Christians have lost hope, but films are like a secret weapon that could turn it all around. Stories change lives, open hearts, and mould culture. Those who control the narrative, control all aspects of society. Even politics is downhill from entertainment. As Plato said, “Those who tell the stories, rule society.”
Dorcas Institute (Senegal)
Dorcas Institute is an organization that promotes the rescue of dignity in impoverished communities in Senegal through professional and basic education for youth and children, as well as proclaiming kingdom’s values such as love, compassion, and spiritual freedom.
Equip Family Int Ministry
Richard Munala
Our mission is to work with Pastors and Ministry Leaders, to enrich their marriages and help them to develop marriage and family ministries in the local church. To see communities transformed as an understanding of God's plan for families takes root. And to see churches filled with strong, growing marriages that translates into church growth and fulfillment of the great commission.
Esperanza Ministries Association
Esperanza means "hope" in Spanish and many find hope here.
Europe Multiply Team
Kevin & Angie Weigelt
Reaching the Neglected in Europe through Making Disciples, Multiplying Leaders and Igniting Church Planting Movements.
Every Tribe & Tongue
Brant Levert
Strengthening the global missions movement by establishing an environment of consistent worship and prayer to Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Harvest (Mal. 1:11).
Finding Freedom B.C.
Michael (Mike) & Carmen VanZanten
RE:ACT- Recovery Education For Addiction and Complex Trauma. To provide care and education to help broken people become whole in Christ.
Focus Africa Inc
Allan R & Myrna Ronald
Focus Africa is a group of both African-born and Canadian-born Christians committed to spreading the love of Jesus Christ in a practical way.
FRINGE Outreach International Society
To support and create sustainable economic, financial, educational, social, and cultural development of underprivileged communities in Malaysia, including that of the urban and rural underprivileged people from diverse ethnic groups.
Fundacion Vision
Our Mission is to develop, implement and sustain, with visionary and committed leaders, health and education programs with high quality services, appropriate technology and Christian values.
GFI Africa/Canada
Phil & Jean Hood
Gospel Fire International aims to see communities transformed through the power of Jesus Christ. We are primarily focused on reaching the unreached and less reached people in East and Central Africa, using a wide range of tools to see individuals right through to whole villages, towns and even tribes reached and ministered to. GFI starts where the need is the greatest. The main goal of reaching out is to bring people into relationship with the God who loves them. The problem of humanity is thus tackled at the roots. Many breakthrough to hope and purpose. Great Joy is the result.
Global Mission Initiatives
Heinz & Melanie Plett
Serving the mission fields of Africa and South and Central America since 2009.
Glorious Harvest
Jose Mendoza
Our mission is to preach the Gospel, to teach and equip believers to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, plant churches and discipleship.
Harvest Hands International
Tim Specht
"....building communities for Jesus" in Southwestern Uganda.
He Had Compassion
He Had Compassion serves as a ministry of compassionate care to the poor, the displaced and to refugees, both within Canada and in foreign countries, including those within zones of conflict. Our focus is in support of Ukrainian refugees, both in Ukraine, and wherever they may have sought refuge. He Had Compassion serves to alleviate poverty by providing necessities of life, including food, clean water, medical supplies, clothing, and/or shelter and resettlement to victims of disasters including war.
Heavn Sent Ministries
Gregory & Barbara Pruden
Our mission is to work with communities to reduce poverty, improve child nutrition and living conditions, provide educational opportunities and ultimately to spread the gospel
Hiwot Mentorship Society
Yohannes & Cara Yadagne
To develop leaders in the most unreached and at-risk areas in East Africa who will teach others to re-evaluate practices that are harmful to themselves, women, their family, their community, and create meaningful and positive change.
Hope India Mission
Abraham Elavatta
Hope India Mission's mission is to advance the Gospel through preaching and evangelism as well as educating and training in trades, in India (primarily to low caste and middle caste people).
Hope2Offer Ministries
Julie Lowe
Advancing Christianity by performing musical concerts and sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
ICMS Administration
Gary Janzen, Zena DeFehr
Compelled by love of God and our neighbour, ICMS assists a family of mission agencies with administrative support as they respond to spiritual and physical needs around the world.
iTEE Canada
iTEE Canada works with partners worldwide to multiply disciple-makers by bringing biblical ministry education to pastors and church leaders who lack access to it.
Jesus Leads Us: Kenya Orphanage Mission
Betty Possberg/ JLU reporting
Our mission: help fund Ancilla Boarding and Day Academy at Outspan, Eldoret, Kenya
Just Be Love
The mission of Just Be Love is to reach the lost, broken and oppressed, and motivate them through the word of God. To share the love of Christ, the power of belief in His name. To disciple those new to the gospel and help them replicate themselves and light their world on fire. Also, to serve the defenseless, impoverished and the forgotten, through humanitarian efforts.
Katalyst World Partners
Greg Constable
Accelerating the global church with sustainable strategies
Kingdom Purpose Ministries
Wilfried & Thekla Klassen
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and He will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33
Kugana 10/40 Leadership Society
Gary Janzen
Empowering our destiny one value at a time!
Lean In Ministries
James Ramer
To ENCOURAGE athletes with the Good News of Jesus and what it means to follow Him with their lives. To ENCOURAGE, equip and support leaders and chaplains as they step into an important ministry to the Sports World. To ENCOURAGE, support and serve together with other ministries and organizations who seek to share the Gospel and disciple people in the Sports World
Let's Give Them Hope
Michael (Mike) & Carmen VanZanten
LGTH has two locations: Musana, Zimbabwe and Twashuka, Zambia, where we provide a loving environment for orphaned and vulnerable children, to bring them hope and to prepare them for a better tomorrow.
Love Cradle International
Steve & Irina Yagilnicky, Gary Hughes
Equipping and Helping Orphans for Life. Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy. Psalm 82:3
Love On The World
Love on The World's mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus on the streets and wherever the Lord may lead. Help the homeless and broken. Help connect ministries and evangelists, and equip the Church with tools for evangelism. We started in Hamilton, Ontario but our heart is to expand and impact as many cities as we can for God's glory.
Loving The Least of These Min. International
Rev. Tonya Kucey
Loving The Least of These Ministries Int. is a ministry committed to providing holistic support services for individuals in crisis so that they may be redeemed, restored and experience radical transformation. Our vision is to equip, educate and empower people by breaking the cycle of poverty whereby the individual can reach their full potential in Christ.
Raymond Robyn
M2/W2 Association is a non-profit serving men and women in BC prisons. Our vision is to reflect God’s restorative and inclusive love within the criminal justice system and wider society.
Missio Dei Discipleship Ministries
Missio Dei Discipleship Ministries exists to provide church leaders and pastors in East Africa, with theological education and training, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
Missions Network International
Bill Roosma
To provide a safe and stable place for at-risk children of Baja California. To teach them the love of Jesus Christ and to provide them with education, tools and love to be successful in their lives.
NBWA-One Life to Love In Baja
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
New Gate Society
The vision of New Gate Society is to se God's people grow beyond the cycles of war, crisis and poverty through teaching the truth of God's Word.
North American Vietnamese Evangelical Fellowship
Nhien Huu Pham, Tien Phan
The North American Vietnamese Evangelical Fellowship's mission is to evangelize Vietnamese in Canada and overseas. To facilitate healthy fellowship and strengthen Vietnamese churches in Canada, Vietnam and Cambodia and help train leaders for these churches.
One Heart Ministries
John & Pamela Lowndes
Jesus spoke in John 17:20-21 these words “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in me through their word. (21) that they all may be one, as You Father are in Me, an I in You, that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that you sent me.” One Heart Ministries is committed to the fulfillment of this promise and many others relating to the Unity of the body of Christ! We believe the Lord Jesus has also given us a keys to Unity in the Body of Christ found in John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another; as I have loved, that you also love one another (35) By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Operation L.I.T.E.
Through assisting the needy with essentials for life, by supplying food, clothing and education; Operation L.I.T.E. aspires to carry each other's burdens, love each other and build one another up to fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)
Pakistan Outreach Foundation
Mike John
Pakistan Outreach Foundation's mission is to evangelize unreached people groups, train leaders and church planters, as well as offer humanitarian aid and assist the persecuted.
Parana Project Inc.
Parana Project Inc focuses on the State of Parana, Brazil, where the poverty situation of many families makes life very difficult for parents to go to work.
Partners in Vision
Partners In Vision is focused on building a global church that: knows one another, supports and serves each other and is on mission together. We plant churches in northern Thailand and neighboring countries, while building pathways for those churches to also be serving and building into Canadian churches, as they are connected through intentional and holistic partnerships. Evangelism, discipleship and leader development are the cornerstones of this work.
People of Grace International
Buena Tupe
Opening doors of opportunity to underprivileged children in poor or developing nations by providing them with quality education.
Plant Water Grow
We exist to provide aid to families overtaken by poverty, access to food, education, healthcare and safe drinking water by providing resources.
Planting Life Haiti Foundation
Weslet & Aileen Vildort
Planting Life for a sustainable future in Haiti.
Prayer Summit Ministry
Gerhard & Janice DuToit
"Lord teach us to pray" Luke 11:1 "Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure" DL Moody. Our vision is to see God's people believing that prayer is the lifeline to intimacy with God. Ministry is a result of a life that has been saturated in the word of God and the presence of God in prayer.
Project Samuel Foundation
Brenden Vowell
Project Samuel Zambia is a children's home and sustainability project, bringing hope and support to children and families in rural Zambia.
Radius International
Carl Miller
Radius International is committed to assisting the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missionary training that will equip cross-cultural workers to achieve their objective of partnering with Jesus Christ to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached people groups. We equip cross-cultural workers with the tools needed to be effective and avoid unnecessary attrition before the task is complete.
Rain of God International Ministries
Gregory Spencer
Apprenticeship School of Ministry and Deployment Agency: Empowering Individuals to become disciples and leaders by teaching, modeling and expressing the Love of God. Luke 22:32 When you are restored, strengthen / establish your brothers.
Ray of Hope Christian Charitable Organization
Juanita Hebard
The Ray of Hope is a Christian organization dedicated to promoting the sanctity of life, teaching sexual purity, and bringing restoration to women in the midst of a crisis due to an unwanted pregnancy or a previous abortion.
The Rock Of Ages Ministries (TRAM)
The Rock of Ages Ministries (TRAM) as an outreach ministry, is set out through her vision and mission, with the mandate to reawaken the church, reach the unreached and raise leaders. Committed to advancing the gospel of Christ as an extension of Christ mandate explained in Matthew 4:23, by the instrument of biblical balanced teaching, healing, and deliverance.
Salvation Today Ministries
Bob & Trudy McLaughlin
SALVATION TODAY MINISTRIES is an international evangelistic ministry committed to obeying the Great Commission to ..."Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." (Mark 16:15 NIV).
Shiloh Group Canada
The Israel Video Project opens the Scriptures and communicates the gospel in a new and tangible way, connect the Church with Israel in an affectionate way, draws attention to the eschatological importance of the People of Israel, leads people to Jesus and combats anti-semitism in the Church.
Sky Valley Ministries
Sky Valley Ministries is the religious chapel ministry in two RV parks in Desert Hot Springs, CA, (Caliente Springs Chapel and Sky Valley Chapel).
Sonlight Min (Hope For The Nations-Philippines)
Our objective is to transform rural poor communities holistically and help them come out of poverty in 2 years and into a middle-class status in 5 years through innovative, sustainable and scalable solutions. We envision a community that has its own school, clinic, grocery store, community center, social enterprise and above all a church that lifts Jesus Christ up where families are discipled and empowered for them to become godly influencers in their community.
Tierra Nueva
Office Administrator
We seek to share the good news of God's freedom in Christ especially with people on the margins (immigrants, inmates, ex-offenders, the homeless).
Timothy Bible School Ministries
A Ben & Erna Thiessen, Chaya/Titus/Des Banda
In 1996 Pastor Francis and Pastora Des Banda founded Timothy Bible Institute (TBI) with the objective of entrusting the Good News of Jesus Christ to “reliable followers who will also be trusted to teach others” (2 Tim. 2:2).
To The Ends Of The Earth Society
Remi VanWermeskerken
Our mission is to support, encourage, educate and enable the isolated, deprived people in remote areas of Indonesia and in other countries, out of Christian love and compassion.
Tru Pasi Ministries
Our mission is to reach out to the homeless, persons with addictions and other disadvantaged people in Suriname and around the world with the love of Jesus Christ.
Truth Reigns
Families in Canada are in trouble - we are in crises on so many fronts. The slow erosion of the family unit and departure from the faith of our parents has led to a disintegration in society: trauma, abuse, violence, fear, addiction and more have been the result… The picture is devastating and is spilling out onto our streets. We need help. We need Jesus. Only God can restore what is so obviously a deeply spiritual problem. Likewise, few churches have been equipped to support people through the troubled waters of relationship breakdown, divorce, financial woes and the resultant complex trauma that often affect everyone, especially children. But there is hope. The Creator of the universe, the One who knit each person together in their mothers’ womb knows how to repair the damage. Truth Reigns was birthed with a vision to see individuals healed and restored at the soul level (mind, will, emotions and heart) through the ministry of inner (soul) healing and deliverance. We believe this generation was born for so much more and for SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Every Being has the potential to live the best years of their lives healed and whole, no matter what the world has thrown at them!
Tutapona Canada
Tutapona is a Christ-centered organization that facilitates emotional healing through mental health services for people impacted by war and conflict. It's vision is to bring healing and hope in order to restore relationships, build peaceful communities and glorify Christ.
Vision Impact Liberia
Helen Fletcher
Our mission is to give villagers in the Interior of Liberia the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and understand God's love for them. We approach our ministry from a holistic perspective and seek to meet physical, emotional and medical needs.
Wind Ministries
Joshua Hoffert
Wind Ministries is a ministry that establishes and equips leaders to impact the culture around them with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this through teaching, training, conferences/events and other avenues. We resource churches to help Christians grow in their potential and fulfill their call.
Worship Road Radio Foundation
Worship Road Radio Foundation is Canada’s national Christian music station – free from interruptions of ads or sharathons – to unite the body of Christ with the powerful language of worship with a revolutionary non-profit business model.
XMC Discovery Ministries
Ritchard (Rick) & Deanna Bergen
XMC Discovery's objective to help plant churches. Healthy churches transform communities as they practice following Jesus and loving their neighbors.
YAVIN Society
Samson Nabbimba
YAVIN Society works to alleviate poverty through education. As well as youth and children outreach evangelism, church planting and water and sanitation projects in Uganda.
Youth Dynamics - D Weston
Daniel & Elizabeth Weston
Inviting and challenging youth to a lifelong journey in relationship with Christ and His church.