Lean In Ministries

To ENCOURAGE athletes with the Good News of Jesus and what it means to follow Him with their lives. To ENCOURAGE, equip and support leaders and chaplains as they step into an important ministry to the Sports World. To ENCOURAGE, support and serve together with other ministries and organizations who seek to share the Gospel and disciple people in the Sports World

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    North America
  • Icon of address book.
    James Ramer

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This ministry flows from an understanding that true and lasting encouragement can only be found in Jesus but our response also requires action as we learn to 'Lean In' to Him more fully with our lives.  This ministry was formed out from some encouragement to 'Lean In' to some of the unique passions and gifts he has given and specifically to find ways to share the good news of Jesus and be a light for Him in the world of athletics. 

Current and future projects:

*Daily Encouragement for Junior Hockey Players

*Athletic Devotionals and other writing

*Leading Athletic Chapels and small groups 

*Equipping chaplains and leaders as they walk with Athletes

*Taking on projections with likeminded organizations and ministries in their desire to encourage, disciple and share the gospel with athletes